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Four New Streams of Income for 2020 and Beyond - Going from Toiling to Tending to Travel

My wife and I just returned last month from a 4 night stay in Chicago Illinois, which cost us a fraction of the costs for two tickets and 4 nights at a first class hotel in downtown Chicago. Not only was it heavily discounted, but because I own my own travel agency, complete with my own online travel search engine, I receive commission from all my own travel, making our 25th anniversary trip to Chicago the best weekend trip in our 25 years of marriage.

 God spoke to my heart in our January Solemn Assembly of prayer from Genesis 2:10

Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers. Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. Genesis 2:10, 15

From this verse I heard the voice of God say, I'm going to flow a RIVER of WISDOM into your Financial Garden releasing 4 NEW STREAMS/RIVERS OF INCOME into your life in 2020 that will take you from TOILING TO TENDING....And by the end...

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