My wife and I just returned last month from a 4 night stay in Chicago Illinois, which cost us a fraction of the costs for two tickets and 4 nights at a first class hotel in downtown Chicago. Not only was it heavily discounted, but because I own my own travel agency, complete with my own online travel search engine, I receive commission from all my own travel, making our 25th anniversary trip to Chicago the best weekend trip in our 25 years of marriage.
God spoke to my heart in our January Solemn Assembly of prayer from Genesis 2:10
Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers. Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. Genesis 2:10, 15
From this verse I heard the voice of God say, I'm going to flow a RIVER of WISDOM into your Financial Garden releasing 4 NEW STREAMS/RIVERS OF INCOME into your life in 2020 that will take you from TOILING TO TENDING....And by the end of the decade of the 2020's You will have generational wealth to empower you and your family for generations.
I believe God wants to release Joseph-type wisdom to the body of Christ over the next 10 years to prepare His church to access the wealth of the nations in preparation for a great economic collapse, in the years to come,
As Joseph, the body
of Christ has been enslaved in this world’s debtor system, but God wants to raise His people up to become the head and not the tail.
I believe the wisdom of
God being released into the earth, ahead of these times to come, will not be conventional wisdom. It won’t make sense to the carnal, natural mind. It might not seem like the thing to do. But it will be the key that unlocks financial increase and wealth transfer for the
body of Christ.
This wisdom will be outside of the traditional, conventional systems from the present corporate way of operating and hiring employees that is presently the predominant economic systems of operation in the earth. This wisdom will produce unconventional means of provision, livelihood, and wealth-building during a time when resources and jobs are scarce.
3 weeks after this encounter with God in January I received a call from a friends wife inviting me to take a look at a travel business that she said would enable me the luxury of making residual, passive income while doing ministry. Initially I shut down this invitation, by saying I was too busy, forgetting my word for 2020 about four new streams of income coming this year.
After a time of prayer, I was reminded of the word and realized I had rejected the wisdom I was forewarned was coming to take me from Toiling to Tending.
What further confirmed that this was something I was being invited to that I needed to pursue was the fact that I travel and do Pilgrimages to Israel, Africa, and the it's definitely something that I'm already doing.
IF WE'RE GOING TO EVER ACCESS WISDOM FOR WEALTH WEVE GOT TO PUT SOMETHING IN GOD'S HANDS TO BLESS AND INCREASE.....We can't just pray and Not OBEY, or not do something with the word, or wisdom God gives us....For ME GOD SAID 32 YEARS AGO, GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL....This requires ME (US) To travel....
If you would like to get on a three way connect call to hear more about this unique business opportunity to partner with me or to get connected, call/text me at 614-467-0165....and we'll set up a time to get you connected......MY MONEY IS RESTORED!!!!
Every Wednesday at 8pm check out my travel Business presentation.....PlanNet Marketing....and join my Joseph's Dream team.., as we prepare to build wealth in a 8 trillion dollar industry, as we open America back up from this Pandemic with the greatest travel boom in a generation.
....This home based business is aimed at establishing extra streams of income, to transition you from trading time for money, to having passive income that works even when you're not....WHEN THEY TRAVEL YOU EARN.....AND REST ASSURED TRAVEL HAS RETURNED.
Any investor and business-person knows, you get in when the market is Low and grow with the trends as it grows or rebounds.
This business, that gives you the opportunity to have your own travel search engine, which enables your friends, family, and community to book their travel with you, will take you from toiling to tending and release generational wealth by the end of the decade of the 2020's
I've had the privilege to travel to Israel so many times I've stopped counting. And have led tours to Israel since 2016. But in Israel in 2017 I received this word from the Lord saying, "Just as you prepared 15 interns during a 6 month internship, to come to My Holy City, this is how
My Bride must be prepared for My return to this region in the earth. Begin preparing My Bride for My return over the next 6 months, 6 years, or 60 years, by connecting her to My Land, Jerusalem. I heard these words, "I'm coming back to Jerusalem and the way My Bride will prepare for My return is to reconnect to the Land I'm coming back to. He said, Don't just lead Holy Land Tours, but begin connecting My Bride to My Holy Land
Join the business of Travel and earn a trip to Israel with the Israel Mandate Internship and Pilgrimage to Jerusalem is a Journey into the Heart of the Man Yeshua, for His return to the Land, Jerusalem. SEPT 30 - OCT 11 2020
If you would like to get on a three way connect call to hear more or get connected, call/text me at 614-467-0165....and we'll set up a time to get you connected......MY MONEY IS RESTORED!!!!
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