What is the Equality Act? Is it a matter of Civil Rights or Civil De-construction?
The Equality Act is a bill in the United States Congress, that, if passed, would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (including titles II, III, IV, VI, VII, and IX) to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, federally funded programs, credit and jury programs...
The Equality Act has added gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, i.e, a women's right to choose to abort her child, and gay marriage, to the Civil rights bill of 1964, These are now called `protected characteristics´.
The Equality Act broadly defines sex discrimination to include sexual orientation and gender identity, adding " pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition of an individual, as well as because of sex-based stereotypes." The bill also defines this to include "intersex traits". The intended purpose of the Act is to legally protect individuals from discrimination based on such.
The bill also expands the definition of public accommodations to include places or establishments that provide (1) exhibitions, recreation, exercise, amusement, gatherings, or displays; (2) goods, services, or programs; and (3) transportation services.
The bill allows the Department of Justice to intervene in equal protection actions in federal court on account of sexual orientation or gender identity.
The bill prohibits an individual from being denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual's gender identity.
Opponents of modern versions of the Equality Act variously anticipate negative effects, including with respect to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and women's rights, because the Equality Act changes the definition of sex to include pregnancy, child birth and related medical conditions and overrides religious freedom protections, forcing employers to pay for abortions through insurance programs regardless of religious objections.
Equality Act attempts to rewrite the moral code of Human civilization
In a nutshell, the Equality act is a further perverted attempt of a perverted generation to rewrite the moral code of millennium's of human civilization
As a minister of the gospel of Christ I don't see sexual orientation, gender identity and choosing what gender you were born to be as a Civil right or a Human right. There's nothing civil or humane about this. These are confused individuals who decide they were supposed to be another sex, being given a right to change to that sex and make everyone accept this as a viable, sane lifestyle alternative or option. No one has that right....That was NOT the purpose of Civil Rights for Black people. We were NOT protesting, resisting unjust laws, and some dying for the right to be another ethnicity/skin color and be accepted by the race/ethnicity we converted to, with the same liberties of the born race.
We were protesting for the right to be who God made us and not be discriminated against, degraded and thereby segregated because of our skin color. This is NOT a comparison. IT'S A FARCE....And anyone that lumps this confusion into Civil rights, demeans Black people far worst than the most racists White supremacist.
Trans rights to choose and a Women's right to choose
The right to choose what sex we are, is akin to the right for a woman to choose whether a fetus in her womb is a baby that lives or dies, NOT to Blacks struggle for Civil liberties in American society.
The former two comparisons are deranged humanity's egregious attempt to play God. Civil rights for Blacks are God-given rights, that Blacks were deprived of from our nation's inception, that is a stain and a blithe on our nation's attempt at greatness.
This act infringes on the civil rights of the unborn in abortion, slaughtering a disporportionate number of black babies, by forcing state tax payers to fund abortions through medicare programs. Basically medical staff that do not participate in elective abortions and health insurances that do not cover abortions will be forced to do so, if they receive any reimbursement under Medicaid or Medicare. Refusal to take part in abortions can be seen as pregnancy discrimination under the equality act, with the child in the womb viewed as the equivalent to an illness that needs to be cured.
Is Transgender Rights the Civil Rights of this generation or Babies in the womb
In my opinion, we of African descent, should be the most outraged about this issue of Trans rights being added to and compared to African-Americans struggle in Civil Rights. We should speak out the loudest, both against this false Justice movement of sexual orientation and trans rights, and against state sponsored, government tax payer funded abortion. We should be the greatest proponents, speaking up for Pro-life policies to protect the viability and life of the baby whether in the womb or out of it.
This is because abortion and the movement started by the founder of planned parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was originally initiated to exterminate Black children. And the same justification that allowed slavery (with its brutal consequences) of our fore-fathers is the same justification given to allow a will-be mother to terminate her pregnancy (I.e kill her baby) before he/she is born.
What justification am I referring to? People of color were determined NOT to be PERSONS but PROPERTY hence could be disposed of as such, and at the will of their ‘owners’. Since they were not persons (as the law of the land precluded), they were NOT therefore ‘created by God with [the same] inalienable rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ as their white oppressors.
The fundamental question concerning the legal right to abort/kill a baby in the womb is this: IS THAT FETUS/BABY A PERSON OR JUST PROPERTY? If we as a nation claim (as many actually do) that it is just the ‘property’ of the mother carrying it until it is delivered (and brought home as some have also suggested) then so be it, abort at will.
However, if you believe as I do (as a Christian of African descent) that the fetus in the mother’s womb is a PERSON created by God, then he/she must have the same certain inalienable RIGHTS, (Civil Rights) such as LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS
There shouldn’t even be a debate on whether anyone has the RIGHT to CHOOSE to take another PERSON’S life for the many reasons given to justify abortion. Neither should there be a debate on whether anyone has the right to choose whether they were meant to be a male or a female. Neither of these should be a political issue or debate.
However, sadly, just like the issue of slavery became a political issue this has become a political issue. And just as in the 19th century, it took the boldness and bravery of a President and his allies in Congress to ‘restore’ the Person-hood of African Americans in the constitution (which became the precursor to abolish slavery) we need some brave men and women in our nation to restore the civility of the humane presentation of human beings created by their Creator to be either male or female, and for the person-hood of the baby in the womb.
Spiritual and religious Leaders with a God-consciousness must rise up, speak up and stand against this so-called Equality Act before it's too late, before one day the LONG tentacles of the Equality Act and progressive totalitarianism comes for all the moral institutions of society. It will come for your church. it will come for your Pastor, it will come for your kids school, it will come for your daughters sports teams, it will come for your local women's homeless shelters, your business, your speech, your beliefs
And, If this evil licentious law known as the Equality Act, is associated with freedoms and civil liberties of Blacks in America, what's next? Who or what will be next to compare itself to our plight for freedom and justice, animal rights activist? Where will this immoral ambivalence stop? THIS is not a matter of rights. THIS is another sad attempt of Humans/government trying to play God. And anyone that can't see that and separate the two is NOT intelligent at all....they are deceived.
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