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Israel's Covenantal Dilemma and Making Sense of the Return of Jesus

In this blog series on Israel's Covenantal Dilemma and making sense of the Return of Jesus, we will examine the promises God still must fulfill and how they shape the end-time story. We will also examine the specific covenantal issues that must be finally resolved.

These covenantal issues keep Israel and the nations - but particularly Israel - from experiencing the fullness of God's promises. I call this the crisis of the covenant. This crisis is frequently overlooked, but we need to understand the role it plays in setting the stage for Jesus' return.

This covenantal crisis is the result of the terms of the Mosaic covenant. If we do not comprehend this crisis or the process by which it is resolved, it is difficult to fully grasp the end times. Much of the confusion about the end times is due to not understanding the role the Mosaic covenant plays. 

What Many Christians Believe about the Mosaic Covenant and Why?

Many Christians believe the Mosaic covenant no longer has any effect on Israel or the nations, but as you will learn in this series of blogs on Israel's Covental Dilemma and Making sense of the Return of Jesus, that is not true.

Jesus has secured the new covenant and the resolution of the Mosaic covenant, but there is a process by which the victory of the cross resolves every issue related to the Mosaic covenant. 

This process will be completed during the end times and is a key part of the end-time drama.

Many people assume everything in the Old Testament has passed away. As we will see in this blog study connecting the promises of God to Abraham's seed to the return of Jesus, this is not true. Some things passed away as a result of the new covenant, some things are passing away, and some things remain. We need to know which things have passed away and which remain so we can properly interpret the New Testament. 

The Mosaic Covenant and Jewish Identity 

When we deal with the Mosaic covenant, it is important to know the difference between living under the Mosaic covenant and living a Jewish expression or life that incorporates elements of Jewish life and identity. In time of the New Testament, the great challenge was how Gentiles could be apart of the people of God. As a result, the New Testament authors made it clear believers  from the nations did not need to "convert" to a Jewish lifestyle or take on a Jewish identity.  Sadly, as years progressed, and the church became predominantly gentile, certain parts of the church demanded Jewish believers completely abandon their Jewish identity - an idea that would have been foreign to the New Testament church. 

When we speak of the Mosaic covenant passing away, we are referring to the fact that the Mosaic covenant and its curses are no longer binding on those who are followers of Jesus.

In this series,  we will deal primarily with the Mosaic covenant, which refers to the covenant made between God and Israel at Sinai. Many believers  assume that it is no longer relevant to God's redemptive plan because it has been superseded, but this is not true. We need to examine how it continues to affect Israel and the nations, and the specific role it plays in the end of the age. 

Before we consider the Mosaic covenants ongoing influence, we need to begin with a proper perspective of the covenant.  Many Christians think of the Mosaic covenant only in negative terms, but the same God who gave us the new covenant gave the Mosaic covenant to steward Israel until the new came.

Some theologians have made the error of treating law and grace as though they were mutually exclusive, but the same God who gave us the law also offers grace. The issue with the law is not the law itself but the wickedness of the human heart that rebels against the law of God. Romans 7:12-13

So then, the Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good. Therefore did that which is good become a cause of death for me? Far from it! Rather it was sin, in order that it might be shown to be sin by bringing about my death through that which is good, so that through the commandment sin would become utterly sinful. Romans 7:12‭-‬13 

Modern Western thinking tends to rebel against any law or restraint as legalism, but this not a biblical idea. The law of God is good, and it extends beyond the unique requirements of the Mosaic covenant.

Within the Mosaic covenant, we can see the mercy of God setting the stage for the new covenant. When sin occurred, there were instructions for the restoration of relationships. Some people only highlight the punishments of the Mosaic covenant, but God also provided a means for restoration. The entire sacrificial system was given as a picture of God's desire to restore fellowship. God was slow to enact the punishments of the Mosaic covenant and quick to offer mercy to those who repented.

The covenant gave us a picture of both the kindness and the severity of God. The covenant provided both a picture of God's discipline and a picture of his mercy and redemption. Therefore, we must reject the unbiblical heresy that the God of the Old Testament is some sort of vengeful God who is different  in His essential nature from the God of the New Testament..... be continued

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$497 Tuition for Internship (Tuition cost is a down payment on the pilgrimage amount or $3500 and is deducted from the Israel Tour price) – Includes:

  • Video teachings on the course work filmed on location from the Holy sites in Israel
  • 3 Textbooks and Course study focusing on:
  • Israel in the book of the Revelation
  • The Theology of the End-times and the coming revival to Israel & the nations
  • The Theology of the Coming of the Lord
  • The Theology of Prayer - Praying through the 7 Phrases of the Lord's (Disciples) Prayer
  • How to Fund the mission God has given you
  • How to Organize city-wide prayer and evangelism initiatives through intercession and compassionate works of Justice
  • Weekly closed session Zoom Webinar Live teachings on Israel and the coming of the LORD, twice a week on Tues, and Thurs evenings.
  • $500 discount on the $3500 trip and Pilgrimage to Israel in the Fall; Sept 30 – Oct 11th 2021 (Non refundable if you don't make the pilgrimage)

Click here to Join us on a journey of a Lifetime and pre-prayer for the coming of the Lord

You will visit dozens of Biblical sites including the Sea of Galilee, Mount Carmel, Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum and many more. Led by Bishop Brondon Mathis, this will be an unforgettable trip of a lifetime.

For more info or to reserve your space in the internship text


Internship - May 31st - August 21st.  Pilgrimage - September 30 - October 11, 2021


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