Why do you think so many Hate President Trump?
This was a believers test post. The reason I used the word Hate, and my purpose for posting this post this way was, because in the middle of the night I felt the grieving of the Holy Spirit watching a news show particularly created to condition my emotions negatively about President Trump....and it grieved me....Then I became even more grieved about how Christians, on both sides have responded to President Trump as a result of what we've injested from left and right wing media outlets.
99% of people on either side has never met him, but because of his behavior and the media's portrayal of what he says and does, even when he's not sounding off as a loose cannon, many have grown to hate him and not even realize it.
Others on the right, because of his policies, and mainly concerning the saving of the unborn (the cutting of aide to countries that perform abortions worldwide) and concerning Israel, many have exalted him to a mythical, messianic figure that can do no wrong. Giving him cart blanche public allegiance.
Both sides are off and I believe God is grieved by both. But as I was watching the left mainstream media last night, I could feel the spirit of hate being disseminated, attempting to invade my spirit, and I don't hate President Trump AT ALL. (I met him in Cleveland in 2016, and was invited to the White house in 2017).
So I said GOD what is this? And He said, you're holding, watching and being influenced by the #1 IDOL and influencer of public opinion in America and the world today...TV/phones. As I said, 99.9 percent of America has NEVER met President Trump. The only way they know ANYTHING about him is through TV/mainstream media.
And TV/mainstream media are becoming the Beast/false prophets of our day....We are being conditioned what to think, how to think, how to feel, how to behave, who to worship, who not to worship, what our values should be, what they should not be, ALL by what we hold in our hands and what we watch on our flat screens every day, ALL day. It is frightening.
Then the question arose in me, I wonder if we are even aware of this fact, that we are being deceived and conditioned to hate, to lust, covetousness, vain imaginations, concertedly and strategically by a spirit? Then I felt an overwhelming grief, for not only the hatred but the deception the church is under, ON BOTH SIDES.
Then God gave me the question to post to show me the percentage and depth of our deception and hatred, as a result of what's being disseminated through mainstream media.
And the first test was, whoever just cart blanche answers the question, "WHY DO YOU THINK SO MANY PEOPLE HATE PRESIDENT TRUMP," repeating what they've seen and heard from him via TV/Mainstream, listing all of his faults, never having met him or interacted with him, that's how you know the ones that have been conditioned to hate him....and whoever says, "I don't think people hate him, or I don't hate him, I just dislike his ways..those are the ones who are in the fight against the spirit of the age and deception, with the buffer of biblical love taught to us by Christ...
I Corinthians 13 says Love bears all things people do to us and covers, not expose. The only ones that are qualified to confront and hold you accountable for your behavior, are those that have been given that responsibility willingly by you or by their position to you AND have direct access to you....and then the process is first go to you, then two or three, then publicly, and then separating them from you. Matt 18.
But the percentage of people that simply parroted his behaviors and things they've seen and heard from mainstream media, to those that said I DONT HATE HIM, was STAGGERING and frightening.....Frightening because Matthew 24 speaks of deception, in verse 11,12 and connects it to hatred and cold love, saying MANY will be led astray.
Hatred and deception will be one of the major tools the Antichrist uses to turn the hearts of Gods people from HIS word, way, plan and agenda to usher in the kingdom of God back into earth, and to the Antichrist agenda. Listen, I KNOW Trumpism is a dangerous movement....probably just as dangerous as any political movement since Nazi Germany.
But everybody that voted for President Trump is not apart of the Trumpism movement, many are just aligning with policies that are near and dear to their hesrts. But these must resist Trumpism like the Anti Trumpers must resist the deception of Hatred....So to go all the way to the other side of the spectrum from Trumpism or his behavior and allow the mainstream media to condition us to hate President Trump in such a way that we would reject the Scriptures that say to Pray for our leaders, love our enemies and pray for them that persecute you, is a set up for the end of the age deception that will give rise to the Antichrist, one world order.
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