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Day 3 Heart after God Solemn Assembly of Prayer - PURE HEART MARCH


Welcome to Day 3 of the Heart after God Solemn Assembly of Prayer - PURE HEART MARCH - A week of prayer, fasting and seeking after  the Heart of God

(DAY 3) Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done……from the When You Pray, Say book.....The Holy Ghost Anointing.

(DAY 3)  The PURE HEART....from the 12 Dimensions of the Heart of God book...

A Pure Heart is a Holy Heart, a Heart without mixture. And....Holiness is for the Heart

A Pure Heart is a heart without mixture. It's a Heart that is singular in focus, purpose and intent, Him and His return. THY Kingdom come, THY will be done....A Pure Heart is a Holy Heart. And Holiness is for the heart. God purifies our hearts through the trying of our faith.(Acts 15:9) And faith comes into our hearts, and life's situations, through the word of God (Romans 10:17) 

Our hearts become what we eat, or take into our spirit man.  If we receive into our hearts wrong words we release...

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