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Biblical Justice is more than innocence or guilt it's also Truth coming to light

Just recently, a young man in my home town was shot in the back three times, accused of having waved a gun at the plain clothes officer.  The problem with this accusation is that the young man had subway sandwiches in one hand, and a key opening the door to his house in the other hand. 

There's no justification for shooting anyone in the back, when there's no threat to the officer's life and the accused is not endangering the life of another, even if he's in the process of criminal behavior, which was not the case with this young man.   Justice in this situation deals with the truth coming to light and the process of the unnecessary use of force used by law enforcement against certain people groups being condemned and rectified.

In the summer of 2020 in Wisconsin, another young man, Jacob Blake, was shot in the back 7 times and paralyzed, but this time there was video evidence of him discarding the orders of the police to put his hands up and surrender. 


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