The Promises That Must Be Fulfilled
The key to understanding history and God's activity in the earth is understanding two important parts of the redemptive story: God's promises and His covenants. God's promises are the specific commitments God has made. The redemptive story is designed to fulfill these promises. Covenants are agreements God has made with His people that include terms, conditions, and promises. Biblical covenants describe how God relates to His people and determine how His promises are fulfilled and how the redemptive story will conclude.
These promises have the following key characteristics:
• They are made by God and secured by Him. Human sin does not eliminate the promises
• These promises have not yet been fulfilled, but they must be for the age to end. God's honor is at stake in the fulfilment of these promises
• Jesus secured these promises, but He has not yet fulfilled them.
• These promises will be fulfilled at the same time...
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